
Do You Own Your Real Estate Business Or Are You Renting?

As real estate agents, we talk to our clients about the benefits of owning vs renting a home (building equity), but why don’t you do the same? You pay your brokerage their splits and fees every year, but you don’t get any equity in return. 

At eXp Realty, agents are the owners and we earn equity when we close our first sale each year, when we cap, when an agent joins us, and we can earn $16,000 of equity if we become an ICON Agent. In addition, we can buy EXPI stock at a 10% discount. 

Isn’t it about time to start building equity in your real estate business so you can retire one day? Join us to become an owner!

Sustainable Equity Plan

  • Agents receive $200 in EXPI stock grants when they close their first sale each year.
  • Agents receive $400 in EXPI stock grants each year when they reach their $16,000 cap.
  • Agents receive $400 in EXPI stock grants when an agent they sponsor closes their first home with eXp Realty.

ICON Agent Award

Agents who pay eXp Realty $16,000 in splits (about 11 sales on average) and then sell another 20 homes in the same anniversary year become ICON Agents. ICON Agents can receive up to $16,000 in EXPI stock each anniversary year! ICON Agents:

  • Instantly receive $8,000 in EXPI stock grants
  • Earn another $4,000 in EXPI stock grants when you teach eXp Agents
  • Earn another $2,000 in EXPI stock grants when you attend the Shareholder Meeting 
  • Earn another $2,000 in EXPI stock grants for attending the National Convention

Agent Equity Program

eXp Realty Agents can use 5% of their commissions to purchase the EXPI stock at a 10% discount.

When Did eXp Realty Go Public?

eXp Realty was started in 2009, went public in 2013, and was up-listed to the NASDAQ in 2018 under the ticker symbol “EXPI”. eXp Realty is a residential real estate brokerage under the parent company eXp World Holdings Inc. eXp Wold Holdings Inc. 

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